
Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas was a French Impressionist painter and sculptor. Degas was born in 1834 in France as the son of a wealthy citizen and banker. Degas got his classicist education from Barrias and Lamothe and he was even a pupil of Ingres. Later on he started in his own workshop in his father's house. Degas is particularly associated with the theme of dance, with over half of his artworks dedicated to depicting dancers. While Degas is recognised as one of the pioneers of Impressionism, he distanced himself from the term and instead preferred to be known as a realist.

What is “The Star by Edgar Degas” about?

This painting shows a ballerina on with a crown on her head and flowers on her dress dancing on stage. The painting creates the unfortunate reality of ballerina’s during the late 1800s. Her life is probably actually quite far from being so bright because she is most likely a prostitute and owned by a controlling male patron, standing behind the curtain. So she closes her eyes and dances away in happiness.